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Rune Factory 5: How to gather Fodder for the Monsters in your Barn



Rune Factory 5: How to gather Fodder for the Monsters in your Barn

As you begin your monster barn, you’ll have only a few monsters that will don’t require a lot of fodder. As fodder is food for the monsters, if you tame more monsters and expand your barn then fodder is a must thing for taking care of the monsters. Because all the different monsters will do different fieldwork and they all require fodder so you’ll need a huge amount of fodder to keep things running.

How to Get Fodder

When you clear the Whispering Woods, Ryker will request you to “Build a Monster Barn”. After completing his request you’ll unlock the fodder seeds at the general store.

Rune Factory 5: How to gather Fodder for the Monsters in your Barn

Each seed will cost you 30g and it’ll take fodder 4 days to fully grow. After 4 days it’ll be ready to harvest. You’ll see a golden arrow pointing at the ready fodder, just walk up to the arrow and you can harvest the fodder just like you harvest the other crops.

Growing Fodder

Once you harvest it you can put a pile of fodder into your fodder bin or you can go to your fodder bin and put it all in at once. All of your fodder from your inventory be put into the fodder bin.

After you harvest it, you don’t have to replant the seed, it’ll grow again on the same harvest so you don’t have to rebuy the seeds after every harvest. You can expand the fodder harvests by planting new seeds. So, you don’t have to worry about the health of your monsters.

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